The Area Media Officer is Lynn Naylor from Halifax Flower Club. a nutshell
The Role of Media "Media" (noun) - television, radio and newspapers as the means of mass communication.
Usage: the word media comes from the plural of the Latin word medium. In the normal sense 'television, radio and newspapers' it often behaves as a collective noun (one referring to a group of people or things such as staff) and can correctly be used with either a singular or a plural verb; the media was informed or the mediawere informed.
New Paperback Oxford English Dictionary 2006
As Media Officer one of my major projects is to promote NAFAS Clubs, I regularly post on our area Facebook page –– and will post photos of events that have, or will be, taking place. I also post information relating to the Flower Arranger Magazine, national events and floral competitions.
One of our main areas of advertising locally is the Harrogate Flower Shows, where we have a stand, that sells everything related to flower arranging, and visitors can obtain advice and information on Flower Arranging Clubs in the North East Area.
Clubs also promote themselves by placing flyers in florist’s shops, notices on village/local notice boards and in the local magazines or newspapers. Some clubs also promote themselves by contacting groups such as gardening, craft, WI, religious and community support groups and communal residential places to make others aware of their presence.
Flower Clubs are friendly places that benefit from a number of area and national demonstrators who lead us in the art of flowers and flower arranging. Refreshments are available and some have licenced bars. Demonstrator’s flowers are raffled off at the end of the evening and many Clubs have a small sales table selling everything related to flower arranging. If you are interested in visiting a Club, please see if there is one in your area by referring to the “Club’s” section at the top of the page, you will be made very welcome. Should you desire more information, please contact us via the “Contact” link above.
“Fun, Friendship and Flowers” should be the key words, and all are equally important in these stressful times.